“From pellets to pipe for the support of global infrastructure that will improve the quality of life for all people worldwide” is the underlying mission that created the formation of JEE Consulting Services LLC. Thank you for visiting this website and thanks to all my industry colleagues, friends, and family that have provided support and guidance in my new journey from transitioning as an employee of a company to an independent consultant as a limited liability company (LLC).


Matthew 6:33 - But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you is one of my favorite Bible verses and as a result, I feel extremely blessed to have learned from a network of industry colleagues and friends that have supplied the knowledge, training, support, guidance, and patience to start this new journey. Please click on the “about” section for further information about various services that are being offered to interested clients. Please also click on to the “blog” section to enjoy the pictures that were taken while balancing work with fun and family. Thanks again for visiting the website.